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Women of childbearing age who experience abnormal uterine bleeding may be suffering from polyps in the uterus, or endometrial polyps. While these anomalies can cause infertility, removal may restore your ability to conceive. Bleeding between periods is one of the most frequent symptoms of this common reproductive condition. Although, some women may have polyps and not experience any abnormal bleeding.
It is not unusual to find these polyps when seeking to identify the cause of a woman’s infertility. They are sometimes an incidental finding when looking for other causes. An x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes often reveals the presence of polyps. This diagnostic test is called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG.)
The polyps are a result of overgrowth of the endometrial lining inside the uterus. Endometrial polyps are usually benign, meaning non-cancerous; however, they should be examined because there is the possibility that they could be premalignant or malignant. Removed polyps are always sent to the laboratory for analysis to determine if they are benign.
Polyps are found in various locations in the uterus. One of the most common areas is the posterior uterine wall. The way in which endometrial polyps affect conception is not yet understood; however, research shows that the placement of the polyp may cause interference with the embryo implanting on the uterine wall. Endometrial polyps may block the cervical canal, making it impossible for sperm to reach and fertilize the egg.
Your doctor will do a thorough examination of your reproductive system, and if endometrial polyps are found, a recommendation will be made regarding the most effective treatment. Uterine polyps can be removed with a polypectomy. This procedure is minimally invasive and used to remove polyps in various areas of the body including the uterus. Local or general anesthesia is used and the procedure is usually painless.
Abnormal bleeding between periods or problems conceiving should be checked out. The fertility experts at Chawla Nursing Home can provide answers for you. Contact our office today to schedule an examination and consultation with one of our doctors.
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