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Patient Q & A

Intermenstrual spotting, or bleeding between periods, can have various causes. If you experience this, consult a gynaecologist or your health care provider. They can evaluate potential factors such as hormonal imbalances, uterine polyps, infections, or contraceptive use. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment can address the underlying cause and alleviate symptoms.


Uterine polyps are noncancerous growths in the uterus lining. They can cause irregular or heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and infertility. Diagnostic tests include ultrasound and hysteroscopy. Treatment options include removal and biopsy.


If you have been diagnosed with a uterine septum, which is a congenital condition where the uterus is divided by a septum, there are several options you can consider:

  1. Seek guidance from a gynecologist or fertility specialist who can evaluate the severity of the septum and discuss appropriate treatment options.
  2. Surgical intervention: In cases where the septum significantly affects fertility or increases the risk of miscarriage, a surgical procedure called hysteroscopic septum resection may be recommended. This procedure involves removing or reducing the septum to improve the chances of successful conception and reduce pregnancy complications.
  3. Preconception planning: If you plan to conceive, working with a healthcare provider before trying to conceive can help optimize your reproductive health. They can provide guidance on timing, fertility treatments if necessary, and closely monitor your progress.
  4. Pregnancy management: If you become pregnant with a uterine septum, your healthcare provider will closely monitor your pregnancy to ensure proper implantation and development. They may recommend additional interventions or precautions to mitigate any potential risks associated with the septum.


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