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Should Freezing Your Eggs Be Your New Year’s Resolution?

Health,Women’s reproductive health

Should Freezing Your Eggs Be Your New Year’s Resolution?

Jan 13, 2023

Whether you’re busy establishing your career or simply aren’t yet ready for the responsibility of parenthood, every flip of a calendar page can remind you how quickly time is passing. Going into a brand-new year, maybe the best resolution for you is to buy more time to make the decision. Freezing your eggs lets you spend more of your early adulthood establishing the life you want before adding to your family.


To begin the process of freezing your eggs, you’ll start administering daily hormone injections for eight to ten days. During this process, fertility healthcare experts will monitor your progress and help you prepare for the retrieval process.

While the phrase “retrieval process” can sound daunting, the entire procedure typically requires less than thirty minutes and is done under a milder form of anesthesia with lower risks. Once your eggs are retrieved, they are then frozen. Depending on the facility you choose, this process can differ widely.


Once your eggs are retrieved and frozen, how they’re stored and the processes used to preserve them are vitally important. A fertility center offering in vitro maturation technology allows you to have fewer monitoring visits over the course of the process with less aggressive levels of hormone treatment. This is particularly important for women who have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, certain kinds of cancers or who have a high risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Chawla Nursing Home is the only fertility center in the Jalandhar, Punjab State that currently offers In vitro fertilization (IVF) services. Preserving your fertility is important for your quality of life and your peace of mind, no matter where you are on your family-planning schedule; this is something we understand and take very seriously. We offer the very best in leading-edge technology because we know the work we do impacts the way our patients live their lives and fulfill their dreams.

Call or contact Chawla Nursing Home today to learn more about freezing your eggs, so you can start your new year off with a newfound peace of mind and more time to plan your future on your terms.

Posted on behalf of Chawla Nursing Home

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