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Junk Food tips by Dr. Pratima Mittal

Junk Food tips by Dr. Pratima Mittal

Junk Food tips by Dr. Pratima Mittal

May 20, 2024

My child is not ready to eat home food.  He is a fussy eater. He Prefers eating JUNK FOOD.

JUNK FOOD is food high in dietary fats, sugars, salt, or is nutritionally inappropriate. It includes Pizzas, Burgers, French fries, Noodles, Pastas, Chips, Packed Snacks, Carbonated drinks, Fruit Drinks, Packaged Juices. Caffeine containing Drinks, Sugar Sweetened Beverages and other commercially available ultra processed Foods. 


Junk Food is harmful in Many ways:


Most of these Foods have poor Nutritional Value due to high fat, They are low in protein, Vitamins, Minerals and Other Micronutrients.As the intake continues for a long time, it affects the lipid profile of the child predisposing to Severe illness such as Diabetes, Heart Diseases, High BP.

  • This Nutritionally imbalanced diet leads to rapid weight gain and Obesity.
  • Microbial Contamination due to poor hygiene leads to gastrointestinal infections such as diabetes, Hepatitis, Typhoid.
  • High Sugar content of Junk food and Drinks Leads to Dental Caries.
  • Food Colouring Agents and Additives may cause Allergies.
  • Overconsumption of Caffeinated Drinks may Cause an increase in heart rate and sleep Disturbances.


In FirstPlace We Should try to avoid the initial Introduction of Junk Food so that the child does not get addicted to their taste and flavour. For Parents whose children have crossed this stage and now fussy eaters to healthy food, following tips may help them to overcome dependency of children on these foods.

  • Stay Calm- Don’t Shout or get angry.
  • To Avoid Fussy Eating/ Picky Eating Parents should be counselled to include repeated exposure of unfamiliar Foods, Creating Positive Social Experiences around the meal time.
  • Limit the Consumption of these Foods at Home/ Outside to not more than one serving per week.
  • Keep Healthy food Options around. Do Not Get JUNK FOOD at Home.
  • Be a Role Model children will follo what you do.
  • Do not force feed.
  • Introduce one Healthy Food at one time,in a cheerful way.
  • Avoid Intermittent Snacking.
  • Involve the child in preparing and serving the meal/snack.

Children and adolescent should avoid consumption of Junk Food as Far as Possible.

Dr. Pratima Mittal


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